Best Places to Go in Scotland: 2024 Travel Guide

I asked some top travel bloggers to talk about their best places to visit in Scotland to compile the ultimate list! From it’s buzzing capital Edinburgh to awe-inspiring Lochs, beaches, and castles.

Not to mention a vast array of islands, whether you’re a city lover or a country lover, a backpacker or a family, Scotland has so much to offer!

The decisive battle at Culloden signified the end of the Scottish clan system and a way of life that had existed for thousands of years.

The Culloden Battlefield

The beach is such a beautiful place to sit, relax and enjoy a thistly cross (amazing Scottish Cider) as you watch the sunset.

Dunnet Bay

Dunnottar Castle sits on a steep headland in a perfect location to see far up and down the coast – like a King on a throne overlooking his Kingdom.

Dunnottar Castle

The castle has a rich history. In the early 13th century, the first defensive fortress was built on the island.

Eilean Donan Castle

Arthur’s Seat is one of the hidden gems of Edinburgh. favoured because of its panoramic views of the city and its relatively easy incline that caters to different abilities.


A vibrant university city, Glasgow has an active art scene found in its museums and on the walls of its buildings.


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